Sanju FA ties up with Ultimate Fitness


Sanju Football Academy, Sombaria have tied up with Ultimate Fitness Gym to be their Fitness Partner. The understanding was reached online due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic and lockdown.

"In today's time footballers need to be very fit and to build muscles weight training is important so it's really nice we have got Ultimate Fitness Gym as our Fitness Partner, I am sure our Academy boys will benefit a lot as they have very experienced trainers". Said Sanju Pradhan, mentor of Sanju Football Academy and International footballer.

Ultimate Fitness Gym was launched in 2013 and currently has five centres in and around Gangtok and one at Rongli. It also runs an Academy where future trainers are trained. "It's really exciting for us to be the fitness partner of Sanju Football Academy and we are sure this relationship will grow even more strong in future. After this Covid situation improves we will welcome the boys into our Gym and plan a good schedule for them." Said Rupendra Mukhia, founder of Ultimate Fitness Gym. 

"We might not be able to use their facilities immediately due to the Covid-19 pandemic but once the situation improves our boys can "Hit The Gym". It'll also be useful for them when they play Sikkim League matches in Gangtok." added Sanju Pradhan. 

Sanju Football Academy was started in 2013 by Sanju Pradhan and a group of like minded individuals to impart football training to the players from remote parts of West Sikkim. Since its inception the Academy has been training the boys and participating in tournaments in Sikkim and the neighboring hills of Darjeeling . In 2019 they had won the 3rd Division Sikkim League and gained entry into the 2nd Division.


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