Hill Boys United- A Brief Story

Hill Boys United FC was originally launched at Kolkata in the year 2009 by a group of youth from the hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim. It included a mix of college students and some professionals working in different companies. Their common love for football had brought them together. 

Every week the boys used to play matches with different local teams of Kolkata or with the students of other North Eastern States based in the city. Soon they realised it will be better to start a proper team and the Hill Boys United was formed. 

Hill Boys United FC played in number of tournaments along with some friendly matches in the next few years. However the match which they always looked forward to was an exhibition match held annually with the prestigious Calcutta Cricket & Football Club (CCFC). The team also participated in the Kolkata Parsee Club 5-A side football tournament where they reached the quarter finals. 

With time some of the boys returned back to the hills and some joined different professions so the Hill Boys United started to fall apart. Soon just a group existed in facebook in the club's name as the team stopped playing any matches. 

Now so many years have passed since we last played however Gyaltshen Dorjee Moktan affectionately called GD or Coach GD, AFC "B" licenced coach who was an active member of the Hills Boys United during its glory days in Kolkata has decided to rekindle this dream once again. There are other members too involved in this relaunch who felt this story of Hill Boys United should continue.

Dreams like these should be encouraged by all the football lovers as the Hill Boys United management plans to focus on the youth from our region and it will be wonderful if more top level players come up from the hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim. 


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