Live Broadcast vs Live Stream

(Facebook Live screenshot)

As a person with some experience in Live Broadcast. Today, as I was watching a football match live streamed from a remote village up in the Darjeeling hills, a thought struck my mind about how much live streaming has revolutionized the world especially Facebook Live. 10 years back just imagine how much money, man power and equipments the organizers of the tournament might have required to broadcast the match live. 

Even big sports channels thesedays have come to realize the power of live streaming that they show their feed in both platforms- streaming (mostly youtube & facebook) and broadcast in their channel which we see in our TV sets. 

Difference between Live Broadcast and Live Stream in brief- 

Live Broadcast

The term broadcast defines how many viewers can watch the same live video at the same time. The technical working behind this shows a single signal being received by many receivers simultaneously.

Live Stream 

Unlike live broadcasting, live streaming works on a one-to-one basis where different signals are sent to different receivers simultaneously. The one hosting the stream sends out separate signals to various devices regardless of the fact the viewers are tuning in to watch the live video at the same time. 

So I guess Live Stream market will grow even more in future with more & more people stopping to watch television and demanding matches to be streamed live on their handheld devices like Laptops or mobiles. The advent of smart tvs is also indicative of the market demand as the companies have realised most people are ditching the TVs without internet. 

Lastly, I got my first mobile phone in 2002 (Sony Ericsson) and during thosedays if someone had told me in future it will be possible for me to watch football matches live on my mobile. I would have definitely called him crazy. How times have changed. 


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