Let's Unite For Football

Our aim should be to put our hills of Darjeeling & Kalimpong once again back into the football map of the country. For that rivalries should be forgotten once the match is over. Outside the field we should all work together with a common aim to promote football in our region, doesn't matter how small our contribution might be, it will have an impact one day.

Let's not think in the lines of their club or our club because in the national context we have to accept we are nothing. So when a club does something good for football we should all support them. If we can't do that atleast not pull their legs and doubt their intentions. 

It's been years since we have seen a boy from our region play in the National team. Stars have vanished. We blame the system, facilities lack of opportunities and all that but if the football fraternity itself is not united how will that improve?

For example if we write a letter to any authority as a club it might be ignored or won't have much impact but lets say we write it as a forum of all the clubs from the hills. There will be many more benefits if the clubs come together. 

All the clubs can form a body like- Football Clubs Association of the hills or Darjeeling/Kalimpong Districts Football Clubs Association or any other name which will have a unanimous support. A general body can be formed taking one member from each club and they can choose the executive body for fixed term. With so many clubs, players, members and supporters this will be a powerful organization have an impact even outside football. Just that the members should be openminded and the egoes should be kept aside. 

I personally have seen football in our region as a whole which includes all the clubs, academies, schools and the other stake holders. I rejoice everytime a player from our place signs for good clubs. When a girl reaches the national team. I might not know them personally but I feel super proud. I see all of us a football fratenity of the hills.


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