Blood Donation Camp organized by FC Melli

With the nation wide surge of covid-19 cases and the consequent counter active vaccination drive set to start soon for the age group of 18-45 years from 1st May, 2021. It is anticipated that the blood bank might run short of majority of it's blood donors after the vaccination shots. Hence inorder to minimize the possible sparseness and maintain the viable stock in the bank, a voluntary blood donation camp was organised successfully by The Football Club of Melli (FC Melli) in collaboration with The Blood Army of Sikkim on 29th April, 2021 in the football play ground of Melli Bazar, South Sikkim.

The programme was conducted with the technical support of the staffs from Blood Bank, Namchi District Hospital, South Sikkim.

The camp started off with the welcome speech by Mr. Homnath Sharma, General secretary, FC Melli followed by presentation of Certificate of Appreciations to  notables personalities and organisation  of the society namely  Mr Suren Mohra  (Turuk South Sikkim), Mr. Chewang Pintso Takapa (Borong South Sikkim), Mr. Gaurav Raj from Gangtok, Mr Kishore Baniya of Namchi and The Blood Army of Sikkim by the President of the Club, Mr. Kishan Agarwal for their unmatched contribution in the field of blood donation activities. 

Club Patron Mr Nirmal Chettri, International footballer complimented Shri Kul Bahadur Chettri, a Chief Coordinator TBAOS and his medical team of Namchi District Hospital for successfully organising the Blood Donation Camp. He also highlights the importance of People who donate blood are equivalent to those people who are working as a frontline warriors. Mr Chettri urged specially to youths to come forward to donate the blood before the vaccination drives.

Club’s President Mr Kisan Kumar Agarwal urged upon the people to come forward and donate blood. He said that a unit of their blood can save many lives and bring happiness to many families in this critical time. He also thanked The Blood Army of Sikkim and medical staffs of District Hospital for their selfless service. 

Club Gen. Secretary Mr Homnath Sharma appreciated the initiative taken by the club in collaboration with TBAOS. He said it’s a good way to solve the problem of blood shortage in the state due to COVID19. Mr Sharma thanked all the volunteer and the donors for act of assistance.

The camp witnessed a total of 80 individuals registering for the cause with over 58 individuals donating the blood during the course of the event, which is a huge success given the short time in which the camp was planned and executed. 

Volunteers helped the people and gave moral support to the people donating blood. Donors were provided with the biscuits, bananas, juices, cakes and tea. 

Certificate of participation, club merchandise and donor's card were also provided by the club as the token of gratitude.

At the end of the event District Blood Bank Hospital, Namchi presented the Certificate of Appreciation to FC Melli.


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