Rangpo Youth, keeping football dreams alive

In the border town of Rangpo on the West Bengal side, you might see a group of boys training every day. Even in these tough times of COVID 19, they are turning out in the ground every morning to be in touch with their favorite game. The credit for encouraging these kids goes to the local youth, Sukraj Rai, and his friends.
“Currently, we are giving football practice to the kids of our village regularly, even in this time of Lockdown because we don’t want these kids to be away from football and we also want to see their dreams of becoming footballers come true so I am training them continuously. For this many NGOs like the World Vision and Rangpo Youth Welfare Association, a renowned club from our village are supporting us.” Said Sukraj.
He further added that they are hopeful that they will keep getting the support in future as well and even after this (Lockdown) will continue the football practice, they come to the ground at 5 am and after practice gets over at 6.30 or 7 am the seniors assist the police in their fight against COVID 19 by sitting in the screening centers, they have completed 3 months doing this.
The police personal on duty at the Rangpo Check Post is also very appreciative of the boys lending them a helping hand in these tough times. “Today when I have to tell you about the happenings here. Our Youth, brother Sukraj’s group is helping the Rangpo Check Post Police a lot, even bigger work they are doing is by taking the kids from the forest village and in the morning and evening without saying rain or shine and training them. They are not just using football as an exercise but as a medium to get them jobs in the future and giving them practice with this aim.” Informed Suresh Barraily, ASI of Rangpo Check Post.
Sukraj and his group of other youths hope to continue the good work. “In this way for the kids and the village, we are continuously making an effort to make the dream of the kids come true along with that we also want to keep this deadly virus of COVID 19 away from the village and for that, we are working relentlessly. We are hopeful that in future too we will get the support from the NGOs.“ said Sukraj.


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