The Polo Ground Generation!

That sandy Polo ground had a charm of its own. Probably even during that time its official name was Paljor Stadium but very few people used it back then. Polo ground was what people liked calling it. The ground had those wooden galleries and that kuna ko dhara. Which quenched the thirst of many footballers. Plastic mineral water bottles was not much in fashion then "Ghopto paryo haath thapyo pani ghut ghut paryo" . We used to play all day long with dunga ko post, feeling as if we were Chinday Ronaldo or Micheal Owen. Sometimes even managing a commentary like "Ronaldo with the ball....." and falling down.
After the game listening to the senior dajus speak and pull each others legs was always fun. Football was everything to us then we needed nothing else. Later the digging started and Polo Ground was slowly forgotten and Paljor Stadium became that ultra modern facility. It was a welcome change.Gangtok had finally got a state of the art football arena.
But I am sure many of us still look for that old Polo Ground behind the facade of the Paljor Stadium, because we have made so many memories there. Many of us by playing but standing in the rain and watching the matches was a different fun altogether. Eating Jhal Muri and chana. Hill Side Gallery used to be our favorite. I can find myself as a 14 year old there as it has not changed much I am not sure if that quote is still there "Play the game in the spirit of the game".
Change is the way of this world and we have to accept that but those memories will never fade. Echo of our school band playing the school song and that cheer up of "1234 who are we for? 5678 whom do we appreciate?...TNAAAA" still rings in my ears. Polo Ground might quietly pride itself as it was a cradle of many wonderful Sikkimese Footballers. Paljor Stadium has continued the legacy and has given a number of talented players who are still there in the scene. Most of the Footballers who played at Polo Ground have hung up their boots. Its somewhat sad they could not play at the Paljor Stadium at their prime but I am sure they don't have any regrets as they played during an era when Gangtok/Sikkim had so many naturally gifted footballers and Polo Ground provided that perfect backdrop to show what they were capable of.
Sliding tackle on the sand and getting up with "Pilsay ko fila" thats Polo Ground Generation for you. Oh what a feeling. Burn and pain used to come much later specially at night. I am sure "Pilsay ko Chala" is still in fashion in the hills as most of our grounds are still sandy. So guys be proud of your wounds! Until the grass comes sand is your battlefield.


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