(Based on a true story, remembered nearly after 20 years so the writer might have missed out on some important characters and sequence of events)

Today I suddenly remembered my school days. Oh yes that particular day when we had bunked Nepali elocution and were playing football in the ground.What a brilliant decision I had made as my dad was one of the judges!. Renuka maam came, we tried to run but again we decided to face her like men and I thought she was the wife of our coach and would support us playing football.

Within minutes I was proved wrong. Maam looked very serious and asked us to line up. I was wearing a single pair of football boot and the left boot was on my right leg, we had few boots and we were sharing it. Santosh was even worst looking "dapper" in those dirty t-shirt which he used to wear below his school shirt. We marched straight to the Principal's office. He was in the auditorium attending the elocution. Mr Phuchung was there and he looked at us. He might have felt pity seeing the way we were dressed up.

He said I will take you back to the ground to pick up your bags and all. So we started the march again. after reaching the ground he said that he will count till ten and within that time we had to pick up our belongings. Some of the boys even managed to put on the school shirt and tie. I could only manage to change my shoes, Santosh remained the same. Back in front of the Principals office again. We were lined up holding our ears.

It was an embarrassing situation. Function was about to be over and the students along with the teachers would see us in that position and thats what happened within a few minutes. They all came and saw us looking down towards the floor holding our ears trying hard to hide our faces. Then finally the Principal came and started slapping us one by one. He stopped in front of Santosh and asked are you from TNA? You are looking like a servant and gave him a few extra slaps. As for myself I was trying to hide myself from my dad. What a relief he got held up and didn't see me.

Some of the boys shed some tears as that group also had the brilliant ones. The ones who were toppers in the class and you would never bet on them playing football wearing one boot on their feet. But as they say Football is more than just a game everybody wants to play.

When I look back now, unknowingly we had shown one aspect which football teaches us ie Team Work. We had played as a team, we marched as a team, we got caught as a team, we were also slapped as a team and at last we cried as a team. Just because of Renuka maam we could not win or lose as a TEAM as the match was cancelled and nobody thought of a rematch after those Slaps from the Principal.


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