
Showing posts from August, 2018

Unsung Hero’s Untold Story

Football is played and loved all across the world. Every place we go we are bound to meet those crazy football fans. For them football is everything. This beautiful game would not have been the same without the fans. Its always boring to play in an empty stadium. Along with the fans many other set of people have made football into the most popular game in the world. To list them out- its the players themselves, coaches, support staffs,media and officials. This is what came to my mind at this ungodly hour when I am writing this piece. Most of the football officials work behind the scenes and remain very low profile, but their contribution is immense. Without them a team cannot run smoothly. I have over the years come across many such individuals who love the game so much that they have dedicated their lives to it. One such individual is Arjun Rai, the ever smiling Senior Manager of United Sikkim FC. Arjun has been in football for more than three decades now, first as a player